Contact Info

You can mail a letter to Elder Wilson in the PARIS FRANCE mission at or through the postal service:

Elder B. Stanton Wilson
49 Rue Marengo
72000 Le Mans

The mission home address is:
France-Paris Mission
23, rue du Onze Novembre
78110 Le Vesinet

Monday, August 12, 2013

Setting Apart

Bryant was set apart as a missionary to serve in the France Paris mission on August 6, 2013, at 7:30 p.m. In the blessing, President Hale admonished you to leave the world behind. He promised that as you do, angels will be by your side. You will have people on both sides of the veil praying for him. You will be blessed with health and strength to do His work.

After the setting apart, Bishop Hutchins and the First and Second Counselor in the Stake Presidency were invited to share advice and counsel with Bryant.

Bishop Hutchins admonished you to pray fervently, like you've never prayed before. He also reminded you to leave everything behind. You don't need to worry about school, work, or girlfriends. He said that one of the adversary's greatest tools is discouragement, and he told you to not let discouragement take hold of you.
When you feel discouragement overcoming you, find a place to say an audible prayer. Bishop said that if you're not tired when you go to bed, then you're not working hard enough.

President Johnson reminded you to love the people, love the culture, love the country, love the food, love your companion, love your mission president, and love your mission. Let the people know you love everything about France. He said that you would find the people of France to be like M&Ms. They have a somewhat hard shell, but once you love them and hold them in your hand, they will melt in your hands.

President Vera said he's enjoyed watching you mature and grow up over the last year. He's watched you become more focused. He encouraged you to take that focus and now focus on sharing the gospel.

Finally, President Hale encouraged to go and have fun. Remember, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is joyful!

Wednesday morning before leaving for the MTC, Dad gave you a wonderful father's blessing. He encouraged you to focus your time and talents on your mission. He reminded you that we will be praying for you. You were blessed with the ability to learn the language faster than ever before by the Spirit and that you would not be afraid to open your mouth.

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